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Allow all cookiesA sketch sheet of Ludwig van Beethoven, offered in our December 2023 auction, added to the Flemish “Topstukkenlijst”.
Lot 1136 in our Auction of 7-9 October 2021. Sold for €262.000,00 (incl. buyer’s premium).
HighlightsLot n. 839 in our October auction: 17th-c. manuscript and illuminated songbook for a Hainaut patrician.
Highlights“The “17th century Google Maps” at auction at the end of May in Brussels”
HighlightsLot n. 710 in our May auction: Atlas Maior of J. Blaeu (1662) in 11 parts.
HighlightsArticle in Belgian newspaper De Standaard about the exceptional collection of miniature books (lots 880-1040) in our May auction.